Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Power of One

I am not a mathematician, however I believe that I have enough understanding of math to be able to talk about the number "one." I believe that a proper understanding of this number is helpful in understanding the nature of all things. The Hebrews from the time of Moses have believed that God is One. If they are right, and I think that they are, then God is indivisible. Going one step further, if God is the source of all things, then one is, as Three Dog Night said in their hit song, "One is the Loneliest Number in the World." In fact, if God is ultimately the source of all things, one is the only number in existence. Every other number is a derivative. How can this be? One can be divided to infinity. If not, then the size of the universe would be very difficult to account for. God the one divides itself to infinity. From this division comes the entire universe, including ourselves. Some say that the entire universe is conscious. If it all a division of the One, that is not difficult to perceive. If God is the ultimate consciousness, then all of its creation is conscious as well. Giordano Bruno, a monk who was burned at the stake in 1600, believed that it was so. Did he die because he told the truth? You do the math.

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