Saturday, October 10, 2009

Reality is an Idea.

When you fall the process can hurt; at best it is embarrassing. If I were to come along at such a time and tell you that reality is not what it seems, you would respond with a word requiring an asterisk. However, reality is not what it seems. I talked recently about the nonexistence of death. On reflection, I realize that this concept is not technically accurate. When we die, an idea dies, and there is no reason to suppose that an idea is incapable of death. What is the idea that suffers such a fate? Upon death, all of the atoms in our body remain. The atoms making up the liver remain as a liver, and so on, as to all the organs of the body; yet, the fundamental organism has changed. The body commences a process of decomposition which carries on until only the skeleton remains. The natural defenses against this process that worked for us during life have now shut down. What has changed to make this possible? It is often called the spark of life, but I think that it is nothing more than an idea. The two cells that combine at conception are both alive. Both are capable of commencing the process of creating a human being and that plan is found in the DNA of the cells. So long as the entity remains alive, the DNA continues its task right up to the time of death. When a vital organ shuts down for any reason, the process I described above takes hold. The same principle applies to the earth, the sun, and to the entire universe. When all of the suns shut down and there are no more being created, with no more heat and light the universe will decompose in some manner and cease to exist. I suspect that the black holes have the task of eliminating the debris. I believe that the entire gamut of life, both animate and inanimate, is based on an idea. When you buy a car at the dealers, you expect that when you put gas in it and start it up, you will be able to drive it home. The same can be said for the body you are given at birth. Someday, both car and human will be no more. If you are the product of an idea, is that idea exclusive or general? In other words, do you go on as before, or are you dependent on something somewhere retaining interest in your survival? The discussion between the Gnostic and the Literalist is based on this distinction. The Gnostic believes that God is the basis of all things. As part of God, we are the outgrowth of his thinking. The Literalist believes that we are a one-time thing. They are joined in this thought by the Atheist, who concludes the same thing but leaves out God. The Gnostic believes that both are wrong. Underlying all things is an idea. We are part of that idea and share in it. If you doubt this, look in the mirror and see your face stare back at you. That face is made up of atoms no different than the atoms that make up the mirror itself. The light that allows you to see yourself can be found throughout the entire universe. You are part of a whole and that whole is eternal. Judgement day is not a special day that comes when you pass over to the other side. Judgement day is every day and every minute of every day. You have a life that God took great care to think up. Enjoy it, use it, and respect it. If you are not succeeding to live up to the high standards set by the universe don't despair. Your job is to grow. That is the Gnostic Way.

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