Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Who is Minding the Store?

Human beings desire to have security in their lives. We pay millions of dollars annually to install various kinds of security systems to keep us safe. Who is it that we are afraid of? Ourselves, actually. Other human beings who want to steal from us, or worse. This is an intolerable situation. There is no reason why any human being, rich or poor, smart or dumb, socially capable or incapable, should attempt to take advantage of another human being. There is enough of everything to go around. So why do we do it? Did the Devil make us do it? If you are a fundamentalist of some kind, you may very well blame the Devil. The fact is that the root of evil is located in all of us. On TV it is easy to find shows that showcase the murders committed by those of us who simply do not care whether our neighbor lives or dies. If it suits his or her purpose, they will commit murder. Husbands killing their wives rather than go through a divorce is all too common. We might ask if God cares. I think he does, but I can't prove it. Too many people commit murder and get away with it. However, we have yet to establish what happens when we die. If you commit murder and fail to pay for it during your lifetime, are you subject to a penalty upon death? I suspect that you are. Why? In the Hermetic Code, the Greek God Hermes, known as Thoth in the Egyptian pantheon, says that "AS ABOVE SO BELOW." In short, the rules are the same in the after life as they are here on earth. You can run but you can't hide. People who think they are above the law should, in my opinion, think again. If you pass over to the next world upon death, so to does your victim, and even more importantly, so to does the Sheriff, the prosecutor, and the Judge. So who is minding the store? I believe that the answer is that we all do. We are not only responsible for our own lives, but those of our neighbor as well. THE GOLDEN RULE IS NOT OPTIONAL.

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