Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Hands Off Another Person's Religion

Recently I watched a special on CNN in which some folks in Tennessee attempted to prevent the construction of a mosque in their community. I can understand that people who are used to their religion a certain way would be bothered by a strange religion flourishing in their midst. I can understand the feelings of the people who watched the twin towers being destroyed by terrorists who happened to be the same religion. Having said this, I believe that there is a greater issue here that is being ignored. The issue is a simple one. We live in a world with hundreds if not thousands of religions and there are many who have no religion at all. All of these people are Children of God. All roads lead to God. Those who believe that their religion is preferred by God are wrong. Nobody understands God so fully that he or she can claim to know God's mind. No religion has the final answer no matter what the adherents of that religion might say or think about the matter. We know far more about the universe today than did the folks who founded the various religions of the world. That doesn't make them wrong. As I said, all roads lead to God, and no matter which road you travel upon, you will eventually end up in the Kingdom of God. As Christ said, it is within each of us. We need only seek it out. If the number of religions in the world is not staggering, think upon the fact that there are billions of planets like ours just in this Galaxy alone. There are billions of Galaxies besides ours. It is likely that each planet has the potential of life, and if so, the possible religions in the universe would be numberless from our perspective. Is God going to ignore them all and just concentrate on the religion of a small part of America. The Golden Rule guides us. You want others to respect your religion. Following the Golden Rule you should respect theirs. It is not only sensible, it is what God expects of us. Getting back to the theme of this posting. Keep your hands off of another man's religion, and expect him to do the same. Only by this means can we walk into the Kingdom of God, hand in hand, together.

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