Friday, July 31, 2009

A Gnostic Dream

Most human beings are good at dreaming. We all dream about something. Perhaps our dreams are about success, wealth, love, and a good life. The gnostic has a special dream. He or she knows that the world as we know it is insane. If you doubt this, I invite you to read today's newspaper. It is full of proof of this statement. We believe that one of the reasons that the world is insane is that human beings do not recognize that they possess this characteristic. We all have blinders on and fail to see how our thoughts and actions play out in the wider world we live in. A simple thing like driving too fast can have terrible consequences. Failing to support charities hurts thousands of people that we could easily help at little cost to ourselves. There are many more examples that I could cite, but the point is clear. Everyone of us fails to live up to the standard that we are capable of achieving. The gnostic understands the root cause of this condition. God has placed within each of us a piece of Himself. I recently read an article that said that this place is the pineal gland. I don't know if this is so, and I don't particularly care. God within us may be a metaphor for a greater truth. The greater truth is that we have powers within us that we fail to see. This is where gnosis comes into play. Saint Paul talked about looking into a glass; first it is dark and then we begin to see more clearly. I believe that he was referring to the process of seeing God within oneself. As we seek gnosis our eyes open to a greater world that is lost despite being right there in the room with us. As our vision increases we can begin to eliminate some of the insanity that attends our lives. When our vision is clear we can get rid of all of it. If we eliminate insanity in our own lives, we will inspire others to do the same. Is this important? You be the judge; after all the world belongs to you.

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