Monday, July 27, 2009

Why is the Search for Gnosis Important?

Plato wrote a treatise called the "Republic." In it he envisioned the perfect state. Later he was given a chance to put his ideas into action. He failed, utterly. Others have put their hand into the exercise including a saint in the Catholic Church, Thomas More. He wrote a book called "Utopia." He was not without experience in government. He had been the Prime Minister of England during the reign of Henry VIII. Neither author or any of the many others who have penned such books have helped us find the perfect state in practice. What has this got to do with gnosis? I believe that our failure to achieve the perfect state is the result of our own personal failure to achieve a perfect life. Before any nation could achieve a status of perfection, that nation's citizens must achieve a personal state of perfection. That being said, it is highly unlikely that either event will take place any time soon. Actually, it would be more accurate to predict that most nations, if not all, will go up and down the scale of effectiveness, not once but many times. Today, Rome is a vibrant city. Once it was the center of the world. That has not always been so. At times it was a waste land inhabited only by dogs and very poor humans. We can probably expect our own country to have similar trials in the future. However, it is not a stretch to say that if you find God in a meaningful way inside your soul, you just might be a better citizen as a result. Enough of us doing so could transform our nation and the world. I am not suggesting that you become a gnostic so that you can make your nation better. I am suggesting, however, that there is an effect on your fellow citizens that comes from you living a fruitful and moral life. That effect, if you are not dogmatic and abusive in your ideas, can help transform your society as well as yourself. I say this because all too often, religion has had a negative effect on society. The inquisition comes to mind. The gnostic believes in a positive and forgiving God. Isn't this important?

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