Friday, September 4, 2009


Perception is a term that we use but fail to understand. It has to do more with the relationship of sight and understanding. I can look at something without understanding it. This is important because the gnostic is on a search for understanding. Perception is a tool to advance that search. Take any three people and put them into a room. Each will look at the same things, but each will see it differently. Unanimity of perception is probably impossible to achieve. I am suggesting this because the search for understanding is personal to each one of us. The world is full of discordant voices all speaking with authority, and none of them having the entire truth. All we can do is listen patiently, attempt to understand, and continue to grow. Ultimately, we will all arrive at the same place but that day is very far away at this point in time. Until our perceptions coincide, I believe that tolerance, love, and respect for each other's point of view is the most important attitude that we can possess. We cannot agree, but we can agree to disagree as adults and as tolerant of each other's point of view. If we can learn to do this well, we can advance on the pathway to understanding, and achieve much peace of mind with each other. Isn't that a goal worth pursuing? The world is a difficult place to inhabit as it is. Let us all strive to make it a better place.

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