Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Who are We?

This should be an easy question to answer. Someone asks who you are and you give them your name and history. That should do it, shouldn't it? Unfortunately, it doesn't do it at all. Let's start with what we once were, an egg and a sperm joining up in our mother's womb. One cell. Out of that one cell came the complex being that we are. However, we are still made up of cells, a lot of them and all of them specialized to make up our constituent parts. When we were moving from a one cell to a multi-celled being, our cellular structure was formed in the womb. Included in all of these structures was our brain; the seat of our consciousness. Without a brain, we cannot think. This marvelous instrument can create airplanes, rocket ships, complex novels, beautiful music, and can look into the far reaches of the universe with our telescopes and other devices. It can also hate homosexuals, take liberties with other peoples lives and properties, make war, and otherwise make life miserable for its fellow citizens. The good and the bad of it are all mixed together. Who did the mixing? There are several answers. Nature heads the list. The so-called theory of evolution is not a theory at all. Its a proven fact. We share the same basic genome as the chimpanzee. We have a common ancestor, and if you don't like that fact, turn in your body. God is also a suspect. The gnostic says that God is unknowable, so that leaves the issue up in the air. There is an indicator. It is called quantum physics. In the quantum universe, many strange things occur. These occurrences do not establish the point, but do give us pause. If the universe is made up solely of energy in the form of strings, who is the composer? We are left with the same set of suspects. Nature again heads the list. God? Who knows, because he is incomprehensible. You pays your money and you takes your choice.

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