Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Saving Humanity: Post Five

In the previous four posts, I have talked about some of the dangers that human beings face, both now and in the future. In this post, I want to discuss one of the things that we can do to save ourselves. The action that I have in mind is for us to become more "spiritual." By spiritual, I do not mean going to church. Church as its presently constituted is designed to assist you to save yourself personally. The spirituality that I am contemplating is that more akin to the ancient shaman, who worked to meld together his tribe and the world that the tribe lived in. ln that sense we live on three levels. One level is the micro world of the cell. This world works automatically, and it keeps us healthy and alive. When it goes awry, we get sick, and if its bad enough, we die. The second level is consciousness. We live in this world for the most part. We eat, sleep, work, and play in this level. It is this level that we take to church and work towards our own personal salvation. The third level is our planet earth. From this level, we get food, air, water, and warmth. All of these are necessary for life. It is this level that I have been talking about in the previous four post, because we have been neglecting this level to our detriment. It is the only level that can kill us all. It is the level in which we have to develop spirituality. Too many of us think that God will come from the sky and save us by instituting his own rule. I do not believe that this is a viable option. The universe that we live in, including our galaxy and our earth, willdie. Everything dies. Eternity if it exists, and I believe that it does, will have to be in our participation in subsequent entities, and our participation is clearly out of our hands. In my opinion it is in God's hands solely. In this context, spirituality is taking responsibility for all of creation as God would have us do; taking responsibility for our own bodies, for our own life, and for the world that we inhabit. Taking it seriously means taking it as it is, not as we wish it to be. That means we must learn what the body needs to be healthy, what we need to be sound in mind, and what the earth needs from us to be viable over the long term. This is spirituality, and we need to find it in ourselves. Some churches are attempting to deal with this issue. Unfortunately, too many are teaching only on the second level. It is not enough. It is time that we matured and took steps to save ourselves. Indeed, it is past time.

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