Saturday, August 14, 2010

Saving Humanity: Post Two

The use of atomic weapons, however dire, is the least of our worries. I shall give you a list of things that we are doing to the earth and then tell you what I think we need to do about it. This list is not complete. There is much that I could add, but each item is important by and of itself.

1. Overfishing the ocean;

2. Polluting the land, sea, and air with toxic chemicals;

3. Destroying the biota in order to establish places to live and work;

4. Putting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere;

5. Filling our space with useless junk; and

6. Allowing the population of human beings to exceed the ability of the earth to provide for them without eliminating other species and their habitat.

These problems are caused by the fact that the voices of those who see them, write about them, and caution us to avoid them, are largely ignored. We move like juveniles into a world we neither respect nor understand. We make toys to play with, and we find means to employ our minds, all of which distract us from doing the things we need to do.

This is a failure on all levels. It is a failure of government; a failure of business and manufacturing; a failure of our food industry; a failure of our health industry; a failure of our institutions of learning; and a failure of our churches and organized religion. Most of all it is a failure of ourselves to adequately educate ourselves in the nature of reality.

In short, we are all at fault; every nation, every people, every race.

The day will come when the earth will lose the ability to sustain us. Already parts of the planet have become wastelands. There is an area of the Pacific Ocean that is full of the debris cast up by our societies. This kind of thing can only get worse.

What is the solution?


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