Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Saving Humanity: Post One

What will it take to save humanity? My next few posts will be dedicated to this subject. I will take various challenges and comment on them. In Post One we will discuss the nuclear challenge. First let's be realistic. There is no way to prevent the bomb in some form from falling into the wrong hands. It already has. The question of its use is not whether but when. I never thought that I would agree with Fidel Castro on anything, but his recent warning of nuclear war should be heeded. Iran will get the bomb, because the world powers are not willing to stiffen up their combined stance and prevent it from happening. They sort of know its a problem, but cannot agree on how far they need to go to stop it. Israel already has the bomb, and will not sit back and let things mature to the point where their country is seriously in danger of a nuclear strike. Castro is right about that. Castro also points out that North Korea is a problem. He believes that the most likely event will be a preventative strike by the United States. If South Korea and Japan are seriously endangered, he might be right. Add to this the potential of Al Queda getting some form of the bomb and using it either in the U.S. or Europe. Not a pretty picture. What can we do about it? There is no substitute on the horizon other than the U.S., Europe, Russia, and China finding a way to amp up their anti-proliferation policies and make them enforceable. If they don't, Castro may be remembered as the first world leader to sound the alarm. Once the bombs start going off, it will be difficult to find a way to stop them from continuing until our world reaches a point where continued blasting will be prohibitive. A point where human beings may well be cast back into the stone age. If that happens, the current leadership of the major powers will carry the most blame. They are the only ones who can do something about it, and failure is not an option.

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